We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill
Since the very beginning, the IWCU has actively supported charities. We have contributed, practically and financially, to many charitable causes both locally and around the world.
Today, our focus is on small-scale charitable organisations and initiatives that help disadvantaged women and children. Charities are preferably linked to an individual initiative where our donation makes the most impact and we have direct contact with the sponsored initiative.
Chosen Charities
Our chosen charities vary from year to year. Currently, we are supporting:
Kiva is a microfinancing organisation that supports the ability to provide start-up or growth loans to many people who would otherwise be unable to start or grow their business. Our club has sponsored many women’s enterprising initiatives around the world based on an initial deposit of $800. In the past year alone, the IWCU has lent money to women in Egypt, Moldova, Sierra Leone, Jordan, El Salvador and Tanzania.
Marajowi is a foundation, founded by a family in the Netherlands, who support disadvantaged children in Malawi. The main aim of the foundation is to give children access to education, food and medical assistance. Our club currently raises funds for Marajowi which are directed towards boarding school fees for Gift, a ten-year-old boy. Learn more about Gift and Stichting Marajowi here.
Depending on the charity events during the year, we also support other charities and local initiatives.