
  • 1 Choose membership type
  • 2 Enter personalia
  • 3 Payment
  • 4 Ready!

Become a member

Please fill out the form to apply to become a member or a prospective member.  Please add "" into your contacts so our mails do not end up in your spam folder. 

Are you a former member who left within the last three years and wishes to restart your membership? Please send an email.


Membership fees

Our club year runs from 1st January through 31st December and is renewable per year.
The annual membership fee for 2024 is €60 - after July 1 it is reduced to €40.  

Your IWCU membership benefits will include:

  • Being part of a network of over 150 international women.
  • Special member access to eight Facebook groups (our main IWCU Facebook group and seven special interest Facebook groups), the 'members only' section of our website, and our online membership directory.
  • Access to special interest groups with weekly or monthly meet-ups. 
  • Subsidised annual events. 
  • Subscription to our newsletters.
  • Volunteer opportunities.


Prospective Members

As a prospective member, you are invited to attend two free events before deciding to become a full member. Your prospective membership will be active for eight weeks.


Join us:

Membership type